Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chalk Free Play

    This game is refreshingly simple yet challenging.  I did have fun playing it; you definitely have to be quick to progress.  I found it challenging because of how quick you need to move-running away and attacking and playing a good defense.
    This game does have a replay value.  If you want to prove that you have great control with the mouse, this is the game with which to do it.  Comparing high scores with friends is what I think would make this game fun. 
    Story does not drive Chalk.  This is a game play driven game.  After all there is nothing but a blackboard, chalk, and enemies and obstacles.  It does seem to remind one of his own experience with the blackboard, daydreaming in classes-seeing more than meets the eye of what a teacher writes on it.  And saying this it makes the game just seem like a daydream being presented to you-which in some backwards way-makes it somewhat story driven.
    The game stays fresh with simple but entertaining sounds and graphics.  As soon as you think you know your enemy, a new kind of enemy pops out.  Either that or a bunch more of them do.  It gets tougher as you go along and all of the sounds fit their purpose, making it work in a very uncomplicated way. 
    The controls are also quite simple in that you only use the mouse.  Running, moving, "chalking", all require the appropriate direction given by the mouse.  Things seem to run smoothly at first, but as soon as more enemies show up, drawing a straight chalk line becomes more difficult (which keeps things challenging and fun). 
    If I could change one game mechanic here it would be to let the player use the space button to jump over enemies.  This would make dodging a little more easy with multiple oponents, which would probably need rebalancing by making the bullets follow you on harder levels; but would make things a little more interesting.
    On a scale of 1-10, I would rate this game a 5 on the computer (too simple), but a 7 on the cell phone (just makes more sense on a phone-good time killer when you're mobile.  It's not a bad game, I would just rate it better on a phone.

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