Sunday, September 12, 2010

Character Development

The following is the description of my player:
    His name is Spatula Francis Dogwalker.  He is an american ninja. Grew up in the trailer park until 16 when he left, after his single-mother's death. He dropped out of school in the 9th grade and moved to Japan with money saved from pick-pocketing. Which is where he learned the ways of mixed martial arts from sinsea Master Jetlu. After winning many competitions and events of defending his honor, Spatula moved back to the states to avenge his mother's wrongful death.
    He can defend himself as a reflex, is bi-lingual, and in excellent physical shape. He has a dragon tatoo on his left forearm, is 21 and is 6'0" and 200 pounds.  His parents separated before his birth. His mother was addicted to pain killers. She started taking them after a drunk driver hit her car when she was 17.
    His overall goal is to avenge his mother's wrongful death. She was killed by gang members in a drug deal gone wrong.  His tactic?--Kill 'em all!

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