Sunday, September 5, 2010

Journal One

      Ten thousand moons ago, there lived a dog in a house with many rooms.  His master was a very wealthy collector of sorts.  He was in good standing with the community, and had many philanthropic deeds to be spoken of.  The dog spent a lot of time, when his master was away, wandering through the many rooms.  He would gaze at many of the items wondering what they were.  On some objects he would discern that they were interesting, but he had no idea what to make of them.  On others he would spend hours dreaming up stories behind them and what they allowed one to do. 
      His favorite things in the house were the photos.  Though he did not comprehend how it was possible to look at something that he was inside of, often alongside his master, he loved the memories and imagination provoking nature of them. 
      The dog always slept in the bathroom because he loved the privacy and especially the coziness during storms.  His master had moved the dog's bed in there when he realized how much he loved it in there.  Also, the dog liked that there were photos in there as well.  These pictures were not pictures of places he had ever been.  They were foreign places and things to him like the many photos he had seen throughout the house (that were of his master on his many world traveling outings he was always talking about when there was company in the large house).
     There were four photos placed on the cabinet in front of the dog’s bed at his eye level. Seemingly, his master had placed them there for him. He had apparently witnessed the dog staring at pictures in the house many times.
      One picture the dog imagined was of a condo for animals. A mid-sized building of four stories where of course all the dog’s friends lived; the squirrel he always chased around the yard, the female poodle he always smelled and licked in the park, and that puppy that couldn’t play enough with him a few years back (whom he had not seen since, but never forgot). The second picture was a photo of the glorified doggie door, the back (animal) entrance to the condos. The third was a close up of one of the shields the animals stored there if ever there should be an animal war. And the fourth was of a large building, an animal castle of sorts, much like the one of his master, except it was for animals,


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